Guía del Tango Argentino en Nueva York

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Visiting NY?

Check out:

La Cumparsita
Guest House

Visiting Buenos Aires?

Check out:

Tango Oasis

Casa del Sol

Current Tango Tours

None at this time

Tango To Go (alphabetical)

Bailando Reisen
Tango Cruises in South America and Europe (Mediterranean, Baltic Sea)

Buenos Aires Private Tours
( is a tango festival calendar with up-to-date Argentine tango festivals, marathons,
tango holidays, and weekends around the world.

Faitango is a non-profit tango organization which collects about 300 Italian tango associations
with services and cultural initiatives supporting tango dancers and organizers.
The website has an events agenda with over 100,000 monthly visits and 20,000 annual events.
A podcast, and the blog are part of the Faitango network.

Tango Advisor
Tango Advisor is a tango event calendar dedicated to tango festivals and marathons throughout the US and Canada
to help tango dancers so that they don't miss out on any festivals or marathons and can plan ahead.

Tango Holidays in Italy by Elemento Tango
Elemento Tango is an Italian tango dancers club and events organizer.
This is their website, where you can check the current and latest tango events.
Tango.infois a basic but good guide to worldwide tango festivals.

P u b l i c  T r a n s p o r t :
 Guia de transporte público (subtes, omnibuses, y trenes):
New York City:
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
NY-NJ Port Authority
NYC Map - Amazing! Check out the 1924 map!
Trafficland - Traffic cameras worldwide - World Subway Links
Buenos Aires:
Metrovias - Buenos Aires Subway
Trenes Buenos Aires - B.A. Suburban Rail
Linea Mitre; b) Linea Sarmiento
Ugofe - Unidad de Gestión Operativa Ferroviaria de Emergencia
  a) Linea Belgrano Sur; b) Linea Gral. Roca; c) Linea San Martin
Mapa de Buenos Aires

This month's Calendar of Events

© 1998 Gayle Madeira & Reuven Freuman